Desire To Love 2014 full movies free
Desire To Love 2014 full movies free: Firstly, Buzz is Wang Feng and her boyfriend came to Beijing to work hard, and her boyfriend Wang Feng is hoping to entrepreneurial success in Beijing, but only made a courier. In order to support her boyfriend’s entrepreneurial dream, but also to their own desire for a happy life, she passed introduce fellow, into a sauna, clubhouse, he became a pinch foot young girl, Sex and the City, so did the simple desire for happiness is complicated bread and love go叮咚是和男友王峰一起来到北京打拼的,男友王峰一心希望在北京创业成功,却仅仅做了一个快递员。为了支持男友的创业梦,也为了自己对幸福生活的渴望,她经过同乡的介绍,进了一家桑拿会馆,当起了捏脚小妹,城市的欲望,让当初单纯对幸福的渴望变得复杂,面包与爱情何去何从…
Title: Desire To Love 2014
AKA: 欲望爱人 2014
Genre: Romance, Drama
Release Date: 2014-10-15
Runtime: 90 mins
Director: Ji Chi
Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: Chinese Hardcoded
Zhang Dong
Jin Xi
Wang Xiaolong