B.E.D 2012
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B.E.D 2012 full movies free online
B.E.D 2012 full movies free online: Firstly, A man known as B, who has an indecisive personality, believes "life begins on the bed and ends on the bed". Woman E is married, but she has an affair with B. Meanwhile, man B's wife D tries to be a competent career woman and faithful wife.
User Rating
Current user rating: 56 (9 votes)
- Movie: B.E.D
- Revised romanization: B·E·D
- Hangul: 베드 B·E·D
- Director: Park Chul-Soo
- Writer: Kwon Ji-Ye, Park Chul-Soo, Seo Kyung-Sook
- Producer: Ryu Hyoun-Jin
- Cinematographer: Oh Seung-Hwan
- World Premiere: October 7, 2012 (Busan International Film Festival)
- Release Date: January 17, 2013 / March 12, 2015
- Genre: Drama / Arthouse
- Runtime: 90 min.
- Language: Korean
- Country: South Korea
- Jang Hyuk-Jin - B
- Lee Min-Ah - E
- Kim Na-Mi - D
Film Festivals
- 2012 (17th) Busan International Film Festival - October 4-13, 2012 - Gala Presentation *World Premiere