Mommy’s name was Josenpi 1991
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Mommys name was Josenpi 1991
Mommys name was Josenpi 1991: Firstly, At the end of 1944, Japanese imperialists stuck to nothing to reverse the war situation as they were defeated in war. However, they recruited young people by force to use them as student soldiers and drafted workers while they took women to use as comfort women by force.Secondly, The girl who has lived in a town on the border between Jeon Ra Do and Kyeong Sang Do kidnapped by armed Japanese army. So, She dispatched to a front of the Philippines where she went through miserable pains that weren’t understandable not only for as human being but also as women. On the other hand, her dream was to marry Young-Su of the next door school and to be a good mother who has a son and two daughters.
Thirdly, At the end of 1944, Imperial Japan defeated in the Imperial Front, and they did not choose any more means and methods to reverse the premortal life. Japan, who forced to conscript young men in the name of Sungyeong and Jungyong, dragged out our women and women for military uniform washing, and made the name " 'I have over a million men in my life for two years. I had a crush on my neighbor 's younger brother when I was a freshman. It was a dream to marry his brother and to be a good mother by giving birth to a son. One scream of a woman who begins with a monologue ...
Mommys name was Josenpi 1991
Profile:Also Known As: 그녀의 영업비밀 2017, yeo-ja bo-heom-wang : geu-nyeo-eui yeong-eob-bi-mil 2017
Genre: Drama, 18+, Erotic, Adult, Mature, Melodrama •Romance, Historical drama
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Runtime: 115 min
Release in South Korea: October 10, 1991
Quality: HD
Color: Color
Directed Kwak Yeong-geun 지영호
Screenplay by
Kang Hye-Ji 강혜지,
Kang Hyeon-Suk 강현숙,
Mun Tae-Seon 제작,
Thus, Mommys name was Josenpi 1991 is the best movies we should watch at free time...