Exploratory Holiday 2017

  • Exploratory Holiday 2017

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Exploratory Holiday 2017

Exploratory Holiday 2017

Exploratory Holiday 2017: Firstly, Se-hee (Seon-hye) who took a backpack and sailed to Cebu in the Philippines without subtracting the monthly rent deposit from the frustration of everyday life. However, Sehee, who was wandering in the country, met with the Korean fellow (Sang Woo) and received help, and Sehee, who liked the approach of the fellow initiates who fancied several occasions, will spend the night with the fellow initiates.

But the fellow is a criminal who committed crime in Korea and flee to detail.
In the end, he sees the plan of the same number that he tried to make money with himself, but faces a situation that can not be reversed already. On the other hand, the Dongsu is planning another crime by secretly approaching Miran (Park Joo-bin) who is on honeymoon on the same day as Sehee.

일상의 답답함에 월세 보증금을 빼서 무작정 배낭 하나 메고 필리핀 세부로 떠난 세희(선혜). 현지에서 방황하던 세희는 한국인 동수(상우)를 만나 도움을 받게 되고, 몇차례의 우연을 가장한 동수의 접근에 호감을 느낀 세희는 동수와 하룻밤을 보내게 된다.
하지만 동수는 한국에서 범죄를 저지르고 세부로 도망친 범죄자.
결국 세희는 자신을 이용해 돈벌이를 하려던 동수의 계획을 알아채지만 이미 돌이킬 수 없는 상황에 직면한다. 한편 동수는 세희와 같은 날 세부로 신혼여행을 온 미란(박주빈)에게도 은밀하게 접근하여 또 다른 범죄를 계획하게 되는데…

Exploratory Holiday 2017

Secondly, 'Se-hee' (Seo-hye), who took a backpack and left for Cebu in the Philippines, subtracting the monthly rent deposit from the frustration of everyday life. So, Sehee, who was wandering in the local area, met a Korean "Dongsu" (Sang Woo) and received help, and Sehee, who liked the approach of the fellow initiates who fancied several occasions, will spend the night with the same number. But the fellow is a criminal who committed crime in Korea and flee to detail. In the end, he sees the plan of the same number that he tried to make money with himself, but faces a situation that can not be reversed already. Although, the Dongsu is planning another crime by approaching the 'Miran'

일상의 답답함에 월세 보증금을 빼서 무작정 배낭 하나 메고 필리핀 세부로 떠난 '세희'(선혜). 현지에서 방황하던 세희는 한국인 '동수'(상우)를 만나 도움을 받게 되고, 몇차례의 우연을 가장한 동수의 접근에 호감을 느낀 세희는 동수와 하룻밤을 보내게 된다. 하지만 동수는 한국에서 범죄를 저지르고 세부로 도망친 범죄자. 결국 세희는 자신을 이용해 돈벌이를 하려던 동수의 계획을 알아채지만 이미 돌이킬 수 없는 상황에 직면한다. 한편 동수는 세희와 같은 날 세부로 신혼여행을 온 '미란'(박주빈)에게도 은밀하게 접근하여 또 다른 범죄를 계획하게 되는데…

Lastly, A sexy film about backpackers and travel guides.

Also Known As: 원정여행 2017, won-jeong yeo-haeng 2017
Genre: Drama, 18+, Erotic, Adult, Mature, Melodrama •Romance
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Runtime: 76 min
Release in South Korea: 2017/08/31
Quality: HD
Color: Color
Directed by :
Kook Man-joong (국만중)
Screenplay by : Kook Man-joong (국만중)
Seon Hye (선혜)
Park Joo-bin (박주빈)
Wang Hoon-ah (왕훈아)
Sang Woo (상우)
Choi Chae-il 최채일
Hyeon Ji 현지
Reimondonea Aini (레이몬도네아 아이니)

Thus, Exploratory Holiday 2017 is the best movies we should watch at free time...
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