One Night Stud 2015 full movies free

  • One Night Stud 2015 full movies free

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One Night Stud 2015 full movies free

One Night Stud 2015 full movies free

One Night Stud 2015 full movies free: Firstly, The architect, Zuo Xiaoxin wants to live a “Happy life” only with a child but no man. She meets a handsome and popular host Zha Yi by coincidence. Soon, she sleeps with Zha Yi, and is pregnant successfully. As she wishes, she gives birth to a baby ten months later while Zha Yi knows nothing. In order to raise the baby correctly according to some “raising instruction”, Zuo Xiaoxin informs Zha Yi that he has a son on the baby’s first birthday. Until now, Zha Yi realizes that he becomes a joke, and friends tease him as “Chinese big stud”. Zha Yi decides to revenge.

Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 6 February 2015 (China)
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 105 min
Directed by Li:  Xinman
Jiang Yiyan
Ryan Cheng
Yu Xiao
Yu Jiameng
Chang Fangyuan
Johnson Chen
Liu Sha
Shi Chunling
Li Changlin
Tan Shasha
Hasi Gaowa
Wang Yingran
Box office CN¥10.62 million
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