Mother’s Job 2017 full movies


  • Mother’s Job 2017 full movies

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Mothers Job 2017 full movies

Mothers Job 2017 full movies

Mothers Job 2017 full movies: Firstly, "I want to have a sister" "I have weak will, do not tempt me."
Hyun-woo (Cho, Wan-jin) , who came back after the military service, started a part-time job in a barbecue area. However, I meet the wire (Ichiba).

Then one day, Hyun-woo, who is wearing her alone, finds out that her best friend Minseok (Domosse) and Yoo Seon are in a mother-to-child relationship and is in shock.
When he finally confessed to the facts, Yoo asked him to keep his relationship with him secret.
Hyun-woo, who has not refused Min-seok's proposal to live together in his own home, starts living in a breathtaking coexistence with the streamline.

Secondly, A young man falls in love with his friend's mother.
"I want to have a sister."
"I have weak will, do not tempt me."

Thirdly, A college student, Hyun-woo (Cho, Wan-jin), who came to school all over the army. Due to the difficult circumstances of her family, she starts a part-time job in the bar where she meets Madame Yu-sun (Ichdam), a woman of fate. Although Hyun-woo is getting more and more immersed in her irresistible fatal charm, she finds a shocking relationship between her friend Min-seok (Domosse) who has come to the bar and the wire that has come to entertain him. On the other hand, Woo Seon was a mother of Minseok who had just returned from the United States.
After a while, Minseok, who had no idea between two people, offered Hyunwoo to live with her at home.

Mothers Job 2017 full movies

“누나를 가지고 싶어요”
“나 의지가 약해, 유혹하지 말아줘”
군 전역 후 복학한 현우(조완진)은 어려운 형편으로 술집 아르바이트를 시작하게 되고 그 곳에서 능수능란한 솜씨로 손님들의 마음을 사로잡는 여인 유선(이채담)을 만난다.
그러던 어느날, 그녀를 혼자 연모하던 현우는 단짝 친구 민석(도모세)과 유선이 모자 관계임을 알게 되고 충격에 빠진다.

고심 끝에 현우가 사실을 고백하자 유선은 자신과의 관계를 비밀로 해달라고 부탁한다.
자신의 집에서 함께 살자는 민석의 제안을 거절하지 못한 현우는 유선과의 아슬아슬한 동거를 시작하게 되는데…'

Also Known As: Mom's job (2017), 엄마의 직업 2017
Genre: Drama, 18+, Erotic, Adult, Mature, Melodrama •Romance,
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Runtime: 79 min
Release in South Korea: July 20, 2017
Quality: HD
Color: Color
producer: KS Pictures Miami Media Co., Ltd
Distributor: Miami Media Co., Ltd.
Directed by : Do Bong-san (도봉산)
Screenplay by : Chris (크리스)
Cast: Chae-dam (이채담), Jo Wan-jin (조완진), Do Mo-se (도모세), Ahn Na-yeong (안나영)

Thus, Mothers Job 2017 full movies is the best movies we should watch at free time...
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