Jin Ping Mei 2009 full movies free

  • Jin Ping Mei 2009 full movies free

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Jin Ping Mei 2009 full movies free

Jin Ping Mei 2009 full movies free

Jin Ping Mei 2009 full movies free: Like its predecessor, this no-holds-barred sequel from Hong Kong – a piece of ultra-exploitation adapted from the famed 17th century Chinese novel The Plum in the Golden Vase – attained instant notoriety for layering on graphic violence and sex in copious quantities. Lam Wai-Kin reprises his role as Simon Qing. In the prior installment, Qing had sex with a virginal nun, then bedded a concubine, Lotus (Serina Hayakawa) and conspired with her to rub out her dwarf husband, Wu Da-Lang (Ng Chi-Hung). This time around, Simon ostensibly still has relationships with both of the said women but has regressed into a sex addict with fetishistic leanings. As the story unfurls, he attempts to ravish many more women, including his friend Hua Xizu’s (Tam Kon-Chung) wife Pinky (Kaera Uehara), whose husband he plans to murder while he’s at it. At about the same time, Wu Song (Wu Qing-Zhe), the brother of the murdered Wu Da-Lang, schemes to off Simon. Simon sees it coming but doesn’t count on Wu soliciting the help of ex-sister-in-law Lotus, with whom he once had a torrid affair

Genre: Comedy, Drama
Director: Man Kei Chin
Stars: Hikaru Wakana, Kaera Uehara, Serina Hayakawa
Length: 93 min
Country: Japan, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Release Date: 01-01-2009
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