Hua fei man cheng chun 1975 full movies
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Hua fei man cheng chun 1975 full movies
Hua fei man cheng chun 1975 full movies: Firstly, a family gathers to be with its dying father. The reunion brings to the surface old rivalries.
Director: Mu Chu
Writer: Ke Szema
Stars: Ni Tien, Yat Fan Lau, Ingrid Yin-Yin Hu
Genres: Comedy
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin
Release Date: 8 February 1975 (Hong Kong)
Also Known As: All in the Family
Company Credits
Production Co: Golden Harvest Company
Technical Specs
Sound Mix: Mono
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 2.35 : 1